mother ship (english: carrier vessel, limited partnership) term for frigate that hold fighting aeroplane in gross. the task move air strength into navy fleet as navy operations supporter. besides also used as operation command centre and as strength detterence or give fear effect in opponent. as ship that bring aeroplane, has fighting mother ship first time used by english navy , but until approach western countries second world war belongs united america stills to dislike to use it as principal navy strength
navy fleet conventional concept moment that is dominated by ship crosses heavy, ship crosses, destroyer (destroyer) of the size cannon this matter big enough is really caused that mother ship is looked at enough susceptible and risky when used in maritime operation.
japanese navy (kaigun) that uses mother ship effectively in the early world war ii. maritime agreement consequence between america english and japanese with french and german agreed on tonnage ratio 5: 5: 3: 1,5: 1,5 to usa, japanese english, french and german is making japanese deceive it with is make medium size mother ship but equiped lethal air strength even if reaps anger from military side self. proof from japanese engineer attack on pearl harbour 9 decembers 1941 that disenchants west mother ship function that can do lethal attack on opponent target installation. moment levy war pacific, japanese has 6 mother ship that is akagi, kaga, soryu, hiryu, shoka, and zuika, and 2 light mother ship that is hosho and ryujo. japanese lose 4 the mother ships in battle midway, that is akagi, kaga, soryu, and hiryu. after the t that, ofensif japanese use mother ship have been stopped and becoming not mean again.
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